Continuing Education in Multicultural Psychology

Our focus has always been on multicultural competence.

As mental health professionals we are encouraged to be aware of and respectful of cultural differences between ourselves and those we serve, based on age, gender, language, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, ability status, language, and socioeconomic status. We are also encouraged to ensure that our own biases and prejudices-and to the best of our ability those of others-do not negatively impact the students, clients, research participants, and others that we serve.

Despite our best intentions, we can’t do this without developing and cultivating a multicultural orientation. 

Cultivating a multicultural orientation is challenging because it requires a willingness to engage in ongoing self-reflection about our own worldviews-that set of attitudes, beliefs, biases, and assumptions we have about ourselves and others-based on our many intersecting cultural identities. It also requires the willingness to challenge the narratives about ourselves and others that we have internalized through the socialization process and our experiences with power, privilege, and marginalization. Multicultural competence is a lifelong journey. No matter how much we already know, there is always more to learn-about ourselves and others.

CEMPSYCH, LLC offers continuing education to support mental health professionals in doing this work.